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Apache Spark


  • pyspark.sql.functions: get spark functions
  • pyspark.sql.types: get spark types

Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD)

  • Low level datasets that splits data between machines


  • Buil on top of RDD
  • catalog: has functions to list tables on the sparksession
    • list_tables: lists all tables in the catalog


Transformation functions

  • filter

    • df.filter(df.dest == "asdfg")
  • map

  • flatmap

  • union

    • unions two RDD by location (not by schema) so we need to be careful of the col position
  • reduceByKey: Combines values same key

  • groupbByKey: group values same key

  • sortByKey: sort RDD by key

  • join: join two pair based RDD by ley

Read/write operations

  • read/write
    • csv
    • json
    • parquet
    • options

Action Functions

  • collect: return all elements
  • take: take first n
  • first: take first element
  • count
  • repartition: reshuffle whole dataset
    • repartition(5, col(country))
  • coalesce: reshuffles some of the partitions
    • useful to avoid full reshuffle
  • broadcast: provides a copy of the data to all workers


Transformation functions

  • select
  • filter/where
  • groupBy
  • orderBy/sort
    • can use inside asc, desc, asc_nulls_first, desc_nulls_first, asc_nulls_last, desc_nulls_last
  • sortWithinPartitions (sorts on each partition and can be useful to improve perf for further transformations)
  • dropDuplicates
  • drop: removes a column or multiple ones
  • withColumn:Creates a new column
  • withColumnRenamed: renames a column in the dataframe

Action Functions

  • printSchema
  • head
  • show
  • count
  • columns
  • describe
  • corr: get correlation

SQL Functions

  • createOrReplaceTempView("name")
  • sql(query)
  • contains
  • isNull/isNotNull
  • upper
  • split
  • cast
  • :array
    • size
    • getItem
  • when: condição if
  • otherwhise


  • monotonically_increasing_id
  • cache
  • unpersist

data types

  • Byte type
  • Short type
  • Integer
  • long
  • float
  • double
  • decimal
  • string
  • binary
  • boolean
  • timestamp
  • date
  • array
  • map
  • struct


  • Driver
  • executor
  • cluster manager
    • standalone: simple cluster
    • apache mesos (deprecated)
    • yarn: hadoop 2 resource manager
    • kubernetes

Execution modes

  • cluster

  • client

  • local

  • job

    • stages: set of tasks done in a single executor
      • tasks: unit of computation