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Streaming Systems

Notes regarding the book with the same name

01: Streaming 101

Bounded - Stream com fim Unbounded - Stream sem fim teórico

Event time - quando ocorreu o evento Process time - quando foi processado

Window types

  • Sliding (hopping)
  • Fixed
  • Sessions
  • Tuple-based - numero fixo de elementos a processar

2: The what, where, when and how of data processing

  • Triggers:
    • Repeated update
    • Completeness: only materializes when it considers a windows complete
  • Watermarks
    • Help define a sense of completeness
    • Types:
      • Perfect
      • Heuristic
    • Allowed lateness: tempo limite para chegarem late events
  • Accumulation

3: Watermarks

4: Advanced Windowing

5: Exactly-Once and Side Effects

6: Streams and Tables

7: The practicalities of Persistent State

8: Streaming SQL

9: Streaming Joins

10: THe evolution of Large-scale Data Processing

  1. Mapreduce paper
  2. Hadoop open sourced mapreduce ideia
  3. Flume was a google owned high level api to optimize mapreduce pipelines
  4. Apache Storm: First highly used streaming system with weak consistency replaced with low latency
  5. Spark replaced the need of lambda architecture and replaced mapreduce giving a streaming and batch all at once and with much better performance due to RDD
  6. MillWhell provides true streaming (spark does a subset) and was added to flume as a streaming API. Being replaced by MillWheel
  7. Kafka is a transport layer that gives a sense of security by allowing durability and replayability of streaming
  8. Dataflow from google tries to simplify and bring everything under a single API (not open source)
  9. Flink adopted the beam programming model and added great accuracy at a fraction of the cost of other systems
  10. Beam is a semantic layer that hopes to implement only the best ideas of streaming